reminder! bottom left corner 〟 theres a music player for this websites theme song!!hello 〟im maila and i make websites everytime my discord pfp changes. i consider myself an online personality for my friends around me 〟 just here to have fun :Pplease feel free to dm me for inquieries and complaints 〟 my dms are always open for those in need !!

    dni    pjsk fan 〟 genshin fan 〟sensitive 〟disrespectful 〟 stupid 〟pdf file 〟racist
    byi    16+ 〟 english speaking 〟 will vc 〟kys humour 〟respectful 〟brutal honesty 〟retards 〟hygenic people 〟vocaloid ps 〟 d4dj girls
    intrests    k-on 〟vocaloid 〟 jrock 〟black rock shooter〟dried cranberies〟rhythm games〟 youman〟 cooking〟 learning instruments (i know none)〟 spending money〟my friends

i play various games; roblox 〟project diva 〟minecraft 〟bandori 〟pjsk 〟genshin 〟and im always open to playing other things (if i can afford them)my favorite miku modules consist of; snow miku 2014 〟natrual miku 〟racing miku 2022 〟magical mirai 2023 〟streaming heart mikumy favorite vocaloid songs at the moment are; leave you at the back of the earthjumpin' over!worst regretzero talking